Calling My Dating App Matches Was So Worth It

So, you've been swiping through dating apps and finally found some potential matches. But before you start planning your dream wedding, have you considered the benefits of actually picking up the phone and calling them? Sure, texting is convenient, but nothing beats the excitement and intimacy of hearing someone's voice for the first time. Plus, it can help you gauge their personality and compatibility much better than a string of emojis ever could. So, why not take the plunge and give your matches a call? Who knows, it could be the start of something truly magical. For more insights into the world of relationships and intimacy, check out this eye-opening article!

In the world of online dating, it's easy to get caught up in the endless messaging back and forth with potential matches. But recently, I decided to take a different approach and actually pick up the phone and call some of my matches. And let me tell you, it was so worth it.

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The Initial Hesitation

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At first, the idea of calling my dating app matches seemed daunting. I was used to the safety and security of texting, where I could carefully craft my messages and take my time responding. The thought of actually speaking to someone on the phone felt intimidating. What if we didn't have anything to talk about? What if there were awkward silences? But after some encouragement from a friend, I decided to give it a try.

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Breaking the Ice

The first few calls were nerve-wracking, to say the least. I wasn't sure how the other person would react to me calling them out of the blue. But to my surprise, most of my matches were actually excited to hear from me. It was a great way to break the ice and get to know each other on a deeper level than just through texting. We were able to have real, meaningful conversations and connect on a more personal level.

Building a Connection

One of the biggest benefits of calling my dating app matches was the ability to build a stronger connection. Hearing someone's voice and tone can convey so much more than words on a screen. I was able to pick up on subtle nuances and cues that I wouldn't have noticed through texting alone. It helped me gauge the other person's interest and compatibility in a way that texting simply couldn't.

Getting to Know Each Other

Calling my matches also allowed me to get to know them on a deeper level. We were able to have more in-depth conversations about our interests, values, and goals. It felt like a more authentic way to connect and get to know someone, without the distractions of a crowded chat thread. I found that I was able to bond with my matches more quickly and form a deeper understanding of who they were as individuals.

Overcoming Awkwardness

Sure, there were moments of awkwardness during some of the calls. But in a way, it was a good thing. It allowed us to laugh and break down barriers, which ultimately made us feel more comfortable with each other. It was a refreshing change from the sometimes sterile and scripted nature of texting, and it made the experience feel more genuine and authentic.

Making Plans

Perhaps the most rewarding part of calling my dating app matches was the ability to make plans to meet in person. After having meaningful conversations over the phone, it felt natural to take the next step and set up a date. It was a much more organic way to progress the relationship, and it made the prospect of meeting in person much more exciting.

In conclusion, calling my dating app matches was a game-changer for me. It allowed me to build stronger connections, get to know my matches on a deeper level, and ultimately make plans to meet in person. If you're feeling stuck in a texting rut, I highly encourage you to give it a try. You might be pleasantly surprised by the results.